
Brief? Introduction

Hey, how's it going. I guess I should start off with a brief introduction, so hello, my name is Emily Jones. I currently live in Ohio but I intend to move to North Carolina in the fall. I am continuing my education at Johnson & Wales University in Charlotte with a major in Culinary Arts. I really enjoy writing, reading and trying new foods. Old foods are good too, can't go wrong with mashed potatoes. But anywho I hope to keep this going all summer with recipes I've tried and possible restuarant reviews. Ill end with a quick (...not really) summary of my background (in the style of a college application essay).

When I look back at my childhood it was always surrounded by food. I was always cooking with my grandma, taking cooking classes, getting cook books from the elementary library (mostly to look at pictures, but I remember making rice pudding once!) and doing cooking projects in 4H. When it came time to make a decision on my career later on in my life, it just made sense that I would pursue my passion in the culinary arts.

As a sophomore I was encouraged to make a final decision on my future goals. I had taken every home economics class available at my school, and was becoming anxious to continue my culinary education. At this point I had the opportunity to attend a local technical school. I was familiar with the school because my brother had attended it a few years prior. It was a clear decision for me because I could be cooking most of the day rather then sitting in a classroom. The program I joined opened up my eyes to the world of culinary arts.

After recently graduating I have come to realize the culinary field has so many more components then I was aware of. It can be hard, intense, and laboring, but I love every second of it.

(Good friend Brittney, Culinary Instructor, Myself)

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